After giving a great deal of thought to many problems existing in our country, we can say education is the prominent one. It is true that Education can't be a solution to the entire problems but it definitely can provide solutions to many serious problems operative in our country which is faced by us today. As far as education is concerned, a great disparity exists. There is handful of children going to Elite Schools, but on the contrary, we have a vast amount of youngsters who are their age mates, but not even getting basic education. If a number of children are getting basic education, they are schools' drop outs sooner or later.
So the only way to break this cycle is to provide Quality education to the underprivileged in that way which is acceptable to their families.
CPIT is pleased to provide quality education & training to different sections of society which mainly comprises of young blood or youth.. so that, they can easily sustain their lives. To impart the skills, we are partnered with different sectors & several Govt. agencies like NSDC, RASCI, TSSC, HSSC, BWSSC, and NASCOM. We have about 50 training centers in the country, through which around 20000 students have successfully got trained & are working stupendously in the respective industry.

- Providing Training to our program
- Better Career Counselling
- Better JOB oppourtinities
- Providing Excellent training to train the people so thar they can get success.

Hence, There are number of issues which are being neglected in education, but these are essential to live a nice life & for goodness of Country & the world as A whole. So, CPIT is trying to inculcate this sense of responsibility & empowering the young generation & creating enthusiasm in every young heart to make their life very beautiful.