CPIT Edutech Private Limited (CPIT) is a leading organization in skill development & vocational training landscape, building skill manpower pool for industry requirements. The company is also one of the largest skills provider offering
training in 8 sectors in IT, Garment, Beauty, Retail , Logistics .,Telecom, Health, Agriculture and Services sector.
Good qualification leads to better Placement & for having better placements, students should have the ability to procure placements. The Govt. has made considerable efforts to enhance the skill of Youth to shorten the gap between demand & supply of skilled workforce. In our country a big part of population is underemployed or unemployed & industry is facing shortage of Labour.
Henceforth, CPIT is a unique platform which serves to utilize the skill of youth in a productive...
- Admissions opens for Sikho aur Kamao.
- Industrial Visit in Rudrapur,Uttarakhand.
- PMKVY Batch Started in Sirsa.
- Placements in Pilani Rajasthan.
- New Centre Started in Sirsa, Haryana.
- Industrial Visit in Motipur,Bihar.
- Mobilization Shivir In ITI Girls College.
- Inaugration of CPIT Center in Sirsa.
- Inaugration of Beauty Parlour in Rori Bazar.
- Training Starts from today in Motipur.
- Interviews in Ganganagar
- Placements in Ganganagar